Week One
RiP: A Remix Manifesto - Brett Gaynor (2009)
Everything Is A Remix -  Kirby Fergson (2010)

Week Two
70 Minutes of Madness - Cold Cut (1995)
The Work of Art In The Age Of Mechanical Reproduction - Walter Benjamin (1935)

Week Three
Worship at the Altar of Convergence - Henry Jenkins (2008)
The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception - Adorno and Horkheimer (1944)

Week Four
The Manual (How to Have a Number One the Easy Way) - The KLF (1988)
Chill Out - The KLF (1990)

Week Five
war against pop: singing & suing - Phillip Brophy (2010)
Free Culture - Lawrence Lessig (2004)

Week Six
Remix: Making Art and Commerce Survive in the Hybrid Economy - Laurence Lessig (2008)
Remix  - Lawrence Lessig (2008)

Week Seven
Appropriation - Mark America (2011)
Remediation, Understanding New Media -  Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin (2000)

Week Eight
The Ecstasy of Influence, A plagiarism - By Jonathan Lethem (2007)
The Author Function In Remix - Eduardo Navas. (2008)

Week Nine
The History of Spreadable Media - William Uricchio (2011)

Week Ten
Convergence Culture Henry Jenkins (2008)

Week Eleven

Remix Culture: A Rights Nightmare -  Rebecca Martin (2011)
What Comes After Remix?- Lev Manovich (2007)